Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year to all.  The kids are finally all off to school again.  Wow! having all 5 home for that long makes me grateful for activities that get them out of the house! It was 10 days of pajama days and video games.  It wouldn't have been so bad but all of their extra curricular activities were canceled too.

So good news for me I have been the second councilor in my primary presidency for over 3 years now, and Cub Scouts is finally staffed by people that not only will do the job, but seem to care about the job.  Cub Scouts is a job that can take a lot out of you, but if your enthusiastic about your calling and really get into it - it will give a lot back.  So kudos to everyone out there that takes pride in doing their best and is willing to serve.  Matt got complimented on his Sunday School class a while ago.  He loves it, works hard at it, and always gives his best.  But the compliment wasn't on being well prepared, or always there.  It was on how he seems to enjoy his calling, and that this person doesn't see that very often.  How sad!  It would be a miserable life never enjoying the service you have the opportunity to do. (Just because you were asked to do it doesn't mean its not service - I have seen those who have said they would do a job and then hate every min. of it.)

Here is wishing you a year full of great opportunities and happiness.

Love Angie


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