Wednesday, July 4, 2012

OK so its been 7 months since I've posted. Its not that I haven't tried or wanted to...I changed something...somewhere... and can't hook my photos up to the posts.  (I really like posting with a picture - you'll notice I have rarely posted without one)  Well you can still see my recent uploads to flicker on the side so if you see something that catches your eye - you'll have to click on it and look at it on flicker.  Lots going on the last few months.  I broke my pelvis the last day of March and told everyone about it on April 1st - yes everyone believed me even though it was April fools day.  I am lots better but in the mean time we have gotten Dalton in to see several specialists about his uniqueness.  Turns out his hearing is great. His Speech Therapist called him brilliant several times during his visit this week - so he is for sure high functioning, but on the spectrum - only, in Utah insurance companies exclude Autism Spectrum Disorders - so if we get him diagnosed (like we were going to) all of the therapies, and treatments that he needs aren't covered. I'm torked!  At least we can get his elopement (running away) as a separate diagnosis so maybe it will be covered... (not holding my breath).  We are re-arranging our family life to accommodate his peculiarities (fenced and gated yard, locked doors, safety vests, personal tracking devices, and lots of retraining of family members to always know where he is and to keep everything latched and locked all the time) (I really want a service animal but don't have an extra 10K) it is going well though.  The kids have really taken the responsibility to heart (and the neighbors are helping out too - they have saved him once already).  The last few months have been anything but boring... Life is good though. Love you guys - Angie

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hi, I am working on My Cub Scout Centennial Award so I am going to talk about some of the Cub Scouting activities that I have done this past year.
I went to national public lands day in September and I helped clean up trash.  It was hard work but it was also fun.  I worked for about 4 hours. I cleaned up soda cans and water bottles and I even went super far out and found a Hershey's chocolate bar wrapper.  My family made a game of who could find the most garbage - and it was actually fun.  I'll be there again next year.

I also got to attend at flag retirement ceremony.  We cut the flag into small parts and made a little fire.  We took each part and burned the parts one at a time.  It was a special time and I was glad to be there.  It made me feel the spirit.  I was glad to perform this service.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year to all.  The kids are finally all off to school again.  Wow! having all 5 home for that long makes me grateful for activities that get them out of the house! It was 10 days of pajama days and video games.  It wouldn't have been so bad but all of their extra curricular activities were canceled too.

So good news for me I have been the second councilor in my primary presidency for over 3 years now, and Cub Scouts is finally staffed by people that not only will do the job, but seem to care about the job.  Cub Scouts is a job that can take a lot out of you, but if your enthusiastic about your calling and really get into it - it will give a lot back.  So kudos to everyone out there that takes pride in doing their best and is willing to serve.  Matt got complimented on his Sunday School class a while ago.  He loves it, works hard at it, and always gives his best.  But the compliment wasn't on being well prepared, or always there.  It was on how he seems to enjoy his calling, and that this person doesn't see that very often.  How sad!  It would be a miserable life never enjoying the service you have the opportunity to do. (Just because you were asked to do it doesn't mean its not service - I have seen those who have said they would do a job and then hate every min. of it.)

Here is wishing you a year full of great opportunities and happiness.

Love Angie

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