Happy Holidays

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Excell Family
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Happy Holidays to all of our family and friends. Thank you for all of your love and support this year. We hope that all your Christmas wishes come true and that your Holidays are Bright. Love the Excells

Newest addition waves Hi

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Looks like an alien baby to me. 11 weeks and 1 day. Due first part of June

Newest additon moons you

Crystal swears that there is boy hardware involved, but I don't know. Due first part of June

Feast of the Harvest Moon

I went to Indiana last month to visit Debbie. We went to the Feast of the Harvest Moon. It was wet and cool this year, but fun. We only saw one person go down in the mud, he got out rather unscathed. It had rained for the 2 days before the feast, and it was gooey. We decided to eat our way through the feast this year. Lots of yummy stuff. My favorites were of course the herb pork chops and the French Pastry. Samantha liked the jerky the best. I hope one day to take all the kids, it is a blast. After the feast we went to Gayle's house where she threw a birthday party for all the Oct Birthdays. It was a great trip. I hope to go again next year and can't wait to see Debbie's Family at Christmas time.
The picture is of the reenactment of a landing of settlers that paddled their way there from the great lakes (portage required). They greeted them with some shooting (don't know why) its pretty cool though.

Mom Hall's Birthday

Mom Hall's Birthday
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Happy Birthday Mom Hall. It was Andria's Idea and Jeanette helped her. They photo shopped me in. And Barb opened the door. Non of it was my fault! : )

Amberli turns 5

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Amberli is 5 now (she is so proud). She loves hugs and kisses. She loves princesses and Barbies. She wanted a bike for her birthday - Princesses with training wheels. She is a holy terror on it. She rides down the middle of the street, slower than cold tar unless she is headed down hill. They are putting a new pipeline in on our street and we were on the way to Lins (I walked so the kids could ride their bikes) There is only one lane because the rest of the street is filled with heavy equipment, pipes and piles of dirt. She started down the hill and couldn't stop. There was a car coming down 100 north and I knew she wouldn't stop in time. The car saw her coming and stopped but she wiped out sort of the intersection. I asked why she didn't break - she forgot. The car wanted to turn onto our road and couldn't because there was only one lane and Amberli was sprawled in the middle of it. There were also 2 cars behind us waiting to get by. She has been restricted to sidewalk travel only - until she can remember how to brake. It must have been a sight. Pregnant woman pushing stroller running wildly trying to keep up while 3 out of control kids barrel down a one lane road and one can't stop. We are working on bicycle etiquette - hope it sinks in.

Thanks for the picture Andria

Family Pictures

Excell Family
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Sam and Andria were down for Halloween and we took the opportunity to go do some family pictures. Andria takes a good picture don't you think?

Samantha's first steps

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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Sammy has decided it might be time to walk. She started to take her first steps on the 27th she is starting to walk for little sections now. She always giggles when she does so we all know how cute she is being.

I like shoes!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I like shoes
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I feel the need to make a correction. When Samantha turned 1 in July I told the world she didn't like shoes - I was wrong. She loves them. Just not on her feet. She takes shoes that have been left in the living room, puts them on her hands and crawls around with them. It makes an interesting game of hide and seek when it's time for you to go somewhere and you need your shoes back. She loves doing it too, you leave half a dozen pair around and she's happy for hours. It may be a while before she decides putting them on her feet is ok (maybe when she learns to walk) I am concerned about a future shoe fetish . . . maybe a glove fetish?

1st day of school

Ready to go in
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School began several weeks ago. The kids have been very busy since then. Its hard to get back into the swing of things. I like the summer - go and do and no being marked tardy. We went to SEP's tonight (parent teacher conference) The kids are doing well and are very excited about school. In fact Ethan's teacher used that word a lot....I think maybe with a capital E in bold EXCITED!!! oh well. I hope if she finds a volume knob she tells me about it - 'cause in 7 years I haven't found one.
Katie and Amberli have started dance. They are really enjoying that. They start gymnastics next week (just Ethan and Amberli).

Zion NP

Monday, August 10, 2009

Zion NP
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Debbie was in town last weekend (July31 to Aug3) We had a lot of fun. Her Mother and Father in Law both came with her. We Went 4 wheeling at the gap (AZ - nothing but dust), we also went to Zion. Eliot and Keiron were working on their Utah National Parks Touring Patches. We went to weeping rock. The kids had a blast in the stream. We offered to take them up Angel's Landing, but they decided not to. Sunday we had a family dinner. Debbie got to see everyone (but Jeanette and Sam & Andrea Who couldn't come). Everyone had a good time. Can't wait to see them all again

Samantha's 1st Birthday

Monday, July 27, 2009

Samantha's 1st Birthday
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I'm One! can you believe how time flies. I invited my grandparents over for dinner to help me celebrate. We had spaghetti (yes I did put it on my head) Then I blew out my candle (with mom's help) then they gave me cool packages - told me to destroy them, then when I found something neat inside - they took it away from me. I just don't know about that kind of tradition.... it seems kind of cruel.

Samantha's 1st Birthday

Samantha's 1st Birthday
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one of my gifts. After my birthday dinner Amberli crowned me and Ethan pushed me around on my toy.

Katerina Birthday Pictures

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Katerina is growing up. She loves to read. She will be in the fourth grade in a few weeks. She has been begging us to let her learn to drive a 4 wheeler. (she hasn't been happy with the answer) She is such a great help around the house. (I hope she doesn't grow up too fast)

I took the girls to get their Birthday pictures last week. They are all on my flicker account. (just click on the slide show and it will take you right there. The pic's are probably 3 or 4 pages in by now.) There are some cute ones.

Samantha Birthday Pictures

Samantha is one already. She is getting big. Learning to walk and talk. She says Tickle tickle - and she means it. Her favorite book is Silly Sally (there is a lot of tickling in the book) She hates shoes and socks, blankets, and Hats (the photographer worked for this picture) She loves her thumb and going places with the family. We love our little Sammy.

The bride and groom

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Indiana June '09
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OK people have been asking for some details of the trip, so hang on here we go...
We left for Indiana @ 8:00 am drove to Vegas and away we went. The kids loved flying and a made some first flight certificates for the Flight attendants, and Captain to sign, unfortunately it was a short flight only and hour and they didn't have time to sign them. We had gate checked Samantha's Car Seat so we were standing in the jet way when the crew came out. Matt (bless his heart) asked them to sign the certificates and they did.
We arrived in Indiana at some late hour of the night - after a stop in SLC. With minimum trouble we picked up the rental and drove to the hotel. We had eaten a late lunch in SLC, but with the time change meaning we arrived at a very late hour we had not had dinner. Debbie was looking out for us though and had stocked our room with yummy eatables.
So It's now Thursday and we are headed to Wolf Park to play - one small problem. It's raining. Wolf park is an outside venue and rain is a problem. The kids spend 5 hours playing in Buccaneer bay then they go to Aunt Debbie's While Barry take us to dinner with friends. We went to this great little place where the proprietor makes sushi - Crazy Toni, and he was. Laughed so hard, it was great - want to go back!
Friday: fun was had by all going to Erie Canal park, and then Wolf Park. It was then time for the rehearsal and then a pizza dinner (Ethan's favorite part) We then spent more time swimming.
Saturday was a Day. Samantha had not slept well and all she would do is cry. It didn't take long to figure out there was something wrong. Ethan and Katie had (believe it or not) gotten in a fight for Samantha and had yanked on her arm. She had dislocated her elbow. This had happened to Katie quite often when she was young but Matt and I could not get her elbow back in so... off to the immediate care we went. It didn't take long to fix and she was good as new. We had breakfast and it was off for the preparations. Katie and Amberli got their hair professionally done for the first time. We dropped Debbie off at Gayle's ran for the Hotel and the Church. Everyone was on time and things went without a hitch. I did have the honor of giving a toast to the bride and groom. (when Debbie asked me to give a toast she didn't mention there was a speech that went along with it). I survived. Barry and Debbie were up all night. Grandma and cousins left at 4am Matt and I didn't leave until 1pm. We had breakfast with Barry and Debbie. Berry was conned by Amberli into sharing his breakfast. It got stuck and she couldn't swallow. She gaged and then hurreld all over the groom, his mother and father, and their guests. The most embarrassing moment of the trip. oh well. We made it home safely at about 4am (delayed flight in Atlanta) Over all the trip went well everyone had a great time, and we can't wait to come back (no throwing up - we promise).

Wolf Park

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Indiana June '09
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We kept the kids hopping. We went to Battleground (Tippecanoe) and saw the museum, field house and memorial. We went to the Eire Canal and went through 2 museums and played on a replica flat boat. We went to Wolf Park and howled with the Wolves and Coyotes. We did not go shopping like the other children and parents there for the wedding - they were kind enough to invite us though. I think the kids had more fun at the historical sights anyway. The hotel has a children's pool with slides, a dumping bucket and water canons. We spent hours there. Even Samantha liked it. Over all it was a great trip, They were even good for the wedding and reception. Can't wait until we can go again.

Sleeping Beauties

Asleep at the hotel. We were very busy and the kids always slept great. Katie slept this way for about an hour (that I saw) before she woke up. She was so annoyed. (ha ha)

Flower girl

Indiana June '09
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It's blurry but the best I have right now. Amberli loved being Aunt Debbie's flower girl. She was perfect. We all had a blast out in Indiana.

preschool graduation '09

Amberli Graduated from Lit'l Sprouts preschool in May. She loves her teacher Miss Lori and all her preschool friends. She will be going back next year.

Ethan Michael

Ethan Michael
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This is Ethan's favorite picture from that day. He was such a ham. . . he asked for more pictures than the girls did.

May photos

I just realized I never posted some fun pictures. In May I took the girls to get some ballet photos done. Ethan got his 7 years old birthday pictures at the same time.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hey, creepy event. Some guy just knocked on our door (it's almost 10) He had some weird excuse for knocking and acted really funny. We called the police as soon as he left then talked to the neighbors - He was casing the place. I need a dog. A big yappy one! Scary - This guy knocks on our door bold as you please so he can rob us. Hope they catch him, but it won't happen.

Summer Is Here! Ready, Set, GO!

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YES! Finally summer is here. I Love Summer. Don't get me wrong there are good times to be had the rest of the year, but summer is the best. School is out. I served on the PTO board this last year in charge of School spirit. It was good working with all the women on the board. They all put in so much work. Teacher appreciation week especially. There were daily treats including massages and then we fed them all lunch on Friday (Hawaiian haystacks). I learned a lot (like how to make Hawaiian pork) but summer is unbeatable. We are going to Indiana in a week and a half where we will check out the Eire Canal, Wolf Park, and Battleground (Tippecanoe). We're going on a family camp out when we get home. Then it's off to eastern Utah for the family reunion. Summer is all about family and adventure.

I Won Third Place! District Science Fair

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Katie loves going to the district science fair. We sit through the 2 hrs of judging. Then we go to lunch at a fun place (Katie's choice) then she gets to wade in the fountain at DSC. This year there was a third place bonus. She was more impressed with the $15 That Zions Bank will give her if she opens a savings account there than the plaque. HES is also using her display board for next years school example of how a science fair project should be put together. She was all smiles.

Kaite and Ethan win @ the HES science fair

Sunday, May 10, 2009

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Ethan won second place in the first grade, Katie took 1st in the third grade. They were really excited. Both of them worked really hard. Ethan's project was about trying to taste without smell. Katie figured out witch brads of peanut butter take gum out of hair the best. Katie gets to go to the District Science Fair soon.

B.S. Saturday

Sunday, April 26, 2009

B.S. Saturday
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9:00am it was cool and sunny. (oops lost the sunblock - we're all going to get fried.
10:30 it was windy! and cool. We made it to the corral.
11:45 it is cloudy, windy and cold. The kids, me, Matt, Mom, and Christen make a break for the house to make lunch there.
1:00 no sign of the guys. Its Rainy, windy, and cold.
1:15 everyone is done and home for lunch.

It Never rains on BS Saturday ;(

I did it!

Kite Festival 09
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Katie: "I didn't think I could get up there, but my parents kept encouraging me and I made it to the top. I hit the bell at the top, and I couldn't believe it."

Katie Doesn't give up.

Kite Festival 09
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Every year we go to the kite festival and get a free kite. Every year Katie tries to climb the climbing wall. She has never made it more than about half way up. This year she mapped out her way to the top. She was so excited. She got her rigging on and started up. She didn't make it more than about 3 feet off the ground before she was stuck. She was so disappointed. After going to do a few more things she decided to give it another shot. We got in line again and waited our turn. The line was about 8-10 min long. Shortly after we got in line I pointed to a kid that was on the wall. He was maybe 5. Who knows how long he had been trying to climb the wall but he wasn't having much success. He didn't make it more than half way up before slipping and falling. That didn't seem to bother him. He just rode the line down until he could grab the wall and he started over. He was still trying when it was our turn to try. Katie decided that if he could do it so could she. She didn't give up this time and she made it to the top. Wow was she excited! She got to push the siren and everything. She was so glad she didn't give up. (Matt and I thanked the kids mom later - she had no clue anyone was watching.) They did eventually make the kid get off. He did not make it to the top.

Easter at the gap.

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Kind of a fun picture. We were went just the other side of the Utah Arizona border. It was a cold, wet, windy day. The kids had fun. I was walking on the other side of the fire, when I stopped to take this picture. I had to zoom in all the way. It turned out kind of different.

Samantha and Easter Bunny

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I sent Matt to the store with Samantha and he came home with this photo. Soooo cute.

Ethan is a great big brother.

Monday, April 6, 2009

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A few weeks ago I had a scout mtg. right after church so off I run. I get home to this sight. Samantha's hand is on Ethan's cheek, and Ethan is holding that hand. It was so precious.
Samantha LOVES Ethan. She calls for him when she is upset. He always makes her laugh. He fixes her bottles and is very attentive. (Yes she calls his name (or a rough approximation of it) - she is 8 mo. old.)
Ethan's Other misadventures
So I know I'm going crazy, it must be all the kids. I am constantly doing laundry. I try not to leave anything in the washer (smelly!) but I always have a load in the dryer. For the last week or so when ever I go to get that last load out the lint trap has always been clean. I don't remember cleaning it (why would I? I only clean it when the next batch goes in) Weird - I must be losing my mind. (When I say clean, I mean CLEAN!)
Well last night I hear Ethan rustling around in the laundry room. I think that stinker is in their sneaking chocolate milk - again. I'm going to fix his wagon, I sneak up to the door and jump into the room growling as loud and ferociously as I can "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!! . . . . yup he was cleaning the lint trap. It has been his secret act of service for the last week or so, and I scared the begeebies out of him - guess he won't be doing that again will he.

Samantha Loves Hiking

Friday, March 27, 2009

Samantha Loves Hiking
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Samantha had a great time in her back pack. It's the first time she's been able to ride in it (had to wait for her to learn to sit up well) She smiled the whole time. No complaints just a good time had by all. Doesn't she have a great smile.

Katie and Ethan at Zion

Katie, and Ethan
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We took the kids on the Canyon overlook trail. They had never been before. (probably because you can never find a place to park for this trail - it took us almost 20 min and a lot of back and forth waiting for a spot to open up) They really liked this hike. They love going to Zion.

Amberli, ZNP

Amberli, ZNP
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Matt and I took the kids hiking for our anniversary. Then we stayed at home and did sharing time for the next day. Matt sure is a good sport. We were supposed to go to the movies, but Samantha wasn't feeling well. It's probably just as well. It took us 5 hours to do all the prep work for two 15 min. sharing times, go figure.

Flower girl

Amberlis gets dressed
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Amberli picked out her flower girl dress for Aunt Debbie's Wedding. She can't wait to go. She asks all the time how long it is until she goes to the wedding.

Samantha checks out what everyone else is so excited to do.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

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Samantha checks out the world from this perspective. She was quite content to stay there too. The horsed did seem to intimidate her a little when we were face to face with them. (she didn't cry though).

Amberli Rides

Amberli Rides
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She is entirely spoiled by her Grandpas. She rode with Papa Hall to round up the cows out at Cottonwood. She did have to wait a while for her turn. But it was way worth it.

Katie and Papa Hall

Katie and PaPa Hall
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We had quite a day yesterday. It started before the sun came up. We loaded up the horses (and the kids) and headed for the Jepson piece, There we gathered up the cows and moved them to the Lake Flat. Once there we branded and tagged the calves and loaded them up for transport. We drove out to Cottonwood AZ where we have more cows. Rounded them up and branded and tagged those calves. The kids came home so dirty. They rode the horsed, played in the corral, and ran wild through the weeds. (There is nothing but weeds out there, perfect for cows.) There bath water hit a new high for EWW. They had a blast.

Trot, Trot, to Boston

Trot, Trot, to Boston
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Grandma plays with Samantha. Grandma can't remember that Samantha is named after her. But she sure loves to play with her. We love Grandma Great!

Angie, Debbie, and Jeanette

Debbie came for the weekend in Jan. This is the the three of us with our short hair.

Cub Master Award

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cub Master Award
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This is the award I earned when I was a cub master before Amberli was born. I am now back in Cub Scouts as the 2nd councilor in the Primary Pres. Our Pack is working on a Centennial Award and one of the requirements is that I share a scouting achievement. Matt said "thats easy put it on your blog", so here it is. (How many years is it to silver beaver? 4 down and ??? to go)

Katie giving the book report

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Katie is giving her book report about who she is (a Polish Jew in a concentration camp). OK it went over most of the kids heads. Most of them did books like magic tree house and such. Kate was a real trooper and was excited to do this book. (They had to do a historical fiction book and dress up as a character in it.) (We could have done a Magic Tree House and dressed her up as Governor Bradford, that would have been cool, but we went with "The Devil Arithmetic".)

Katie gives a book report

Katie gave a book report on "The Devils Arithmetic". She dressed up as one of the characters. She wouldn't let me shave her head though, so we settled for a tight braid and a scarf.

Ethan's Certificate

Ethan's Certificate
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I went to the school assembly to hand out the spirit day award, While I was awaiting my turn they were calling student's up to give out some awards that were over due. To my surprise the first student called was Ethan Excell. They had neglected to give him his certificate for being on the student council. (I didn't know he was on the student council) I asked him if he knew that he was on the council. He said he did but they kept forgetting to get him for the meetings.

Katie's Piano Recital

Katie's Piano Recital
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Katie had her piano recital a few weeks ago. She did so well. She is turning into a real lady.

My first Christmas

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I'm having a great time. Char thinks were all crazy (she's one to talk!). I like all the excitement even if I don't get whats going on.

Decortating Cookies at Christmas

We go to Grandma Hall's and decorate sugar cookies. She has lots of frosting that we paint on our cookies.

Christmas Tree Hunting

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Tree Hunting
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Hiking out hunting Christmas Tree. It's a good thing everyone knows what a pine tree looks like.

food bank

food bank
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Katie's Class won the opportunity to go help at the food bank right before Thanksgiving. Grandma is in the picture helping too. Daddy and Mommy and Amberli are there too.

Fire Fighter Amberli

Fire Fighter Amberli
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Her preschool went to the Fire Station for a visit. Deward Stout (seen in picture) came in with all of his gear on. All the kids cut an ran - Amberli looked nervous but didn't actually run. He takes all the kids out at the end and lets them use the hose.

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