Samantha's 1st Birthday

Monday, July 27, 2009

Samantha's 1st Birthday
Originally uploaded by Excell Clan
I'm One! can you believe how time flies. I invited my grandparents over for dinner to help me celebrate. We had spaghetti (yes I did put it on my head) Then I blew out my candle (with mom's help) then they gave me cool packages - told me to destroy them, then when I found something neat inside - they took it away from me. I just don't know about that kind of tradition.... it seems kind of cruel.

Samantha's 1st Birthday

Samantha's 1st Birthday
Originally uploaded by Excell Clan
one of my gifts. After my birthday dinner Amberli crowned me and Ethan pushed me around on my toy.

Katerina Birthday Pictures

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Katerina is growing up. She loves to read. She will be in the fourth grade in a few weeks. She has been begging us to let her learn to drive a 4 wheeler. (she hasn't been happy with the answer) She is such a great help around the house. (I hope she doesn't grow up too fast)

I took the girls to get their Birthday pictures last week. They are all on my flicker account. (just click on the slide show and it will take you right there. The pic's are probably 3 or 4 pages in by now.) There are some cute ones.

Samantha Birthday Pictures

Samantha is one already. She is getting big. Learning to walk and talk. She says Tickle tickle - and she means it. Her favorite book is Silly Sally (there is a lot of tickling in the book) She hates shoes and socks, blankets, and Hats (the photographer worked for this picture) She loves her thumb and going places with the family. We love our little Sammy.

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