Dalton 4 weeks old

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dalton 4 weeks old
Originally uploaded by Excell Clan
Dalton at 4 weeks old. We spent Saturday doing nothing "important" instead we did everything important - played video games, played with cousins, took naps, and played with moms camera. Everyone needs a playday - guess it will be back to housecleaning and laundry next week.

Ethan gets his bobcat

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ethan gets his bobcat
Originally uploaded by Excell Clan
Ethan got his bobcat at the May Pack Night. He was so excited. He loves scouts.
Life with a new baby is going quite well considering. Dalton has thrush - but thats not to big of a deal. I ended up with my own infection - but the dr. said today its looking good.
Ethan had 8 teeth pulled yesterday. We went in early in the morning, they sedated him and pulled them - we were home before 10am and by 2pm he was running around like nothing had happened. (I do envy the young... sometimes) His mouth is to small to hold all of his adult teeth so they pulled 6 of them to make room for 4 adult teeth to come in quicker so they can pull them in a year or so. As if that wasn't enough he had an extra adult tooth they had to pull an extra baby tooth to get to that one so they could pull it. Someone did ask if he had any teeth left and I am happy to report yes...he can still eat apples and steak.
More pictures later I have some great ones of horse riding today.

Dalton's Birth Day

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dalton's Birth Day
Originally uploaded by Excell Clan
Dalton arrived May 16th 6:54am 8lb 1oz 20 inches long. All is well (he as all his pieces and parts - we have the pictures to prove it too) but he is crying now so I'll go get him...

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