Newest addition waves Hi

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Looks like an alien baby to me. 11 weeks and 1 day. Due first part of June

Newest additon moons you

Crystal swears that there is boy hardware involved, but I don't know. Due first part of June

Feast of the Harvest Moon

I went to Indiana last month to visit Debbie. We went to the Feast of the Harvest Moon. It was wet and cool this year, but fun. We only saw one person go down in the mud, he got out rather unscathed. It had rained for the 2 days before the feast, and it was gooey. We decided to eat our way through the feast this year. Lots of yummy stuff. My favorites were of course the herb pork chops and the French Pastry. Samantha liked the jerky the best. I hope one day to take all the kids, it is a blast. After the feast we went to Gayle's house where she threw a birthday party for all the Oct Birthdays. It was a great trip. I hope to go again next year and can't wait to see Debbie's Family at Christmas time.
The picture is of the reenactment of a landing of settlers that paddled their way there from the great lakes (portage required). They greeted them with some shooting (don't know why) its pretty cool though.

Mom Hall's Birthday

Mom Hall's Birthday
Originally uploaded by Excell Clan
Happy Birthday Mom Hall. It was Andria's Idea and Jeanette helped her. They photo shopped me in. And Barb opened the door. Non of it was my fault! : )

Amberli turns 5

Originally uploaded by Excell Clan
Amberli is 5 now (she is so proud). She loves hugs and kisses. She loves princesses and Barbies. She wanted a bike for her birthday - Princesses with training wheels. She is a holy terror on it. She rides down the middle of the street, slower than cold tar unless she is headed down hill. They are putting a new pipeline in on our street and we were on the way to Lins (I walked so the kids could ride their bikes) There is only one lane because the rest of the street is filled with heavy equipment, pipes and piles of dirt. She started down the hill and couldn't stop. There was a car coming down 100 north and I knew she wouldn't stop in time. The car saw her coming and stopped but she wiped out sort of the intersection. I asked why she didn't break - she forgot. The car wanted to turn onto our road and couldn't because there was only one lane and Amberli was sprawled in the middle of it. There were also 2 cars behind us waiting to get by. She has been restricted to sidewalk travel only - until she can remember how to brake. It must have been a sight. Pregnant woman pushing stroller running wildly trying to keep up while 3 out of control kids barrel down a one lane road and one can't stop. We are working on bicycle etiquette - hope it sinks in.

Thanks for the picture Andria

Family Pictures

Excell Family
Originally uploaded by Excell Clan
Sam and Andria were down for Halloween and we took the opportunity to go do some family pictures. Andria takes a good picture don't you think?

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